Sunday, December 15, 2013

Troubleshooting WCCP and related data collection COMMANDS

On Router:

1. show version
2. show ip wccp
3. show ip wccp interface detail
4. show ip wccp <service> service
5. show ip wccp <service> detail
6. show ip wccp <service> internal
7. show ip wccp <61 / 62> hash

Repeat commands 4, 5 and 6 for each active service (as indicated by “show ip wccp”).

1. show process cpu history

2. show process cpu | exclude 0.00

Repeat this command 6-8 times in order to try and identify a particular process that is eating up the CPU.

1. debug ip wccp events

2. debug ip wccp packets

The debugging output can be fairly verbose, so it is probably best to turn off console logging and log the debugs to a buffer. When done capture the results via “show log” – make sure you capture everything, some terminal emulators can “chop off” text beyond 80 characters.

Information specific to Catalyst 6500

1. show tcam counts
2. show mls stat
3. show mls netflow table detail
4. show mls netflow ip  count
5. show mls netflow ip sw-installed count
6. show mls netflow ip sw-installed detail
7. show fm inteface <interface name>

Mask Assignment

1. show ip wccp <service> mask
2. show ip wccp <service> merge
3. show tcam interface <interface name> acl <in | out> ip
4. show tcam interface <interface name> acl <in | out> ip detail

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